The Artery and the Process of Arteriosclerosis

The Artery and the Process of Arteriosclerosis
Categories: Synthesizer
Brand: Springer Nature
93.08 EUR
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The present volume contains the first half of the edited tranÂ- script of a six-day Conference, “Fundamental Data on Reactions of Vascular Tissue in Man,” held April 19-25, 1970, in Lindau, West Germany. The remainder of the proceedings, dealing with the epideÂ- miologic, clinical and preventive aspects of arteriosclerosis, will be published in a second volume. The Conference was held under the auspices of the International Society of Cardiology, the International Cardiology Foundation and the European Atherosclerosis Group. The aim of the Conference was to achieve a synthesis of present knowledge concerning arterioscleÂ- rosis. Therefore, workers were brought together from several counÂ- tries and from various disciplines that do not ordinarily intercomÂ- municate for free exchange of data and ideas. Six broad subject areas were introduced by single papers; three of them are included in this volume. In the discussion which followed each formal presÂ- entation, the participants attempted to reconcile disparate data and interpretations and to reach .a clear identification of important areas of ignorance and of crucial questions for future research. The format of the proceedings does not follow precisely that of the Conference itself. The formal papers are included, somewhat abÂ- breviated, and excerpts of the discussion have been gathered under a series of topics arranged in logical sequence. Therefore, the quoted statements do not necessarily appear in order or in the place in the program where they were made. Principal issues, syntheses and unanswered questions are interspersed among the topics as ediÂ- torial comments.