Synthesis of Digital Automata / Problemy Sinteza Tsifrovykh Avtomatov / Проƃлемы Синтеза Цифровых Ав

Synthesis of Digital Automata / Problemy Sinteza Tsifrovykh Avtomatov / Проƃлемы Синтеза Цифровых Ав
Categories: Synthesizer
Brand: Springer Nature
93.08 EUR
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The present collection is devoted to algorithmic methods, and computer algorithms, for the synthesis of digital computers and controlling machines. The work reported in the papers collected here was performed at the Institute for ProbÂ- lems of Information Transmission of the Academy of Science of the USSR, in the section for computational techniques of the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Science of the USSR, and in the Problem Laboratory of Computing Devices of the Siberian Physics -Engineering Ins titute. The paper by A. D. Zakrevskii is devoted to the discussion of ways of solving basic probÂ- lems in the area of computer solution of logical problems, including the problem of automata synthesis. In the paper by E. I. Piil’ a methodology is presented for coding internal states and input states of finite automata which is suitable for computer realization. The suggested coding alÂ- gorithms permit one to take account simultaneously of constraints on inadmissible critical races of memory elements, speed and simplicity of structure of the automaton’s logical transformer. E. N. Turuta’s paper investigates certain methods of synthesizing reliable automata, based on the introduction of redundancy into the automaton’s memory block. The paper by Ya. I. Fet contains a solution to the problem of synthesizing schemes of minimal depth for one of the most widely used bases of elements in computer technology.